Gaming Features stub

GN's Game Character Design Template

Posted on April 6, 2011

In preparation for our next installment in the From Lyrics to Levels series, I've put together a character design template with the fundamentals for any fantasy setting (though the template can be adopted for use elsewhere). The character design template gives you a format to address quintessential points for any character you're designing -- the idea is to help streamline the character design and development process so that nothing is forgotten.

Remember, this is your character; whether you're creating him or her for a video game, a tabletop game, or a story -- you have to know everything, even the stuff that the character may not know himself. This template addresses the most important elements behind every fantasy character and provides a few examples and options for novice character designers. We will add to this template as feedback is received!

Character design seems easy from a distance, but you have to be careful to not create the same personality, accents, and quirks for all of your NPCs and PCs; this template will help flesh them out by quizzing the designer on key information for the character in question.

You can download our character design template here. If you like our template or believe it needs more categories and improvements, please comment below or email us!


Image source - Kerembeyit's deviantart page.