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Warband's Overhaul Patch

Posted on July 23, 2010

TaleWorlds released a new update for Mount & Blade: Warband today, adding a duel mode due to high demand. The user base has been duelling based purely on an 'honor system,' - if two people are in a fight, don't go kill them both (tempting as it may be), but the new patch implements pure 1v1 duels without interruption. Duel mode supports up to 64 players.

In the press release, TaleWorlds / Paradox made a reference to a paramount point in PC DLC, almost with a touch of sarcasm, "In time honored DLC fashion, Mount & Blade: Warband is putting new armor on old horses at a cost of zero denars. Mount up with two newly modeled horse armors, one available for the Sarranids and another for the Vaegir/Khergit factions."


They also announced a new server setting, allowing admins to restrict ranged weapons. Nord on Nord, anyone? Or perhaps I should say... Nordal Kombat!!

Warband is available on all major distribution channels, and of course several free copies are available in our big giveaway.