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This -is- a Triumph: Portal 2 Receives Talented Fan Support

Posted on April 18, 2011

Portal 2 has seen wave after wave of trending topics, silly contests, and teaser releases for the last few months; it's a huge release for Valve, and the echoes of smashed robots rings true from advertisements at all hours of the night. They know it's a good title, too. If our interview with Valve's Erik Wolpaw revealed anything, it was that the guys behind Portal 2 embrace the chaotic nature of the game, specifically with some of the confirmed mechanics (gels for the win!), and they're not afraid to boast about its unique gameplay.

In spirit of Portal 2's impending release date, our friend and master musician Steve Metcalf has composed a tribute to the original Portal theme; it should get you in the mood. Check it out. It's insanely good.


Of course, major fans of the series are probably familiar with Paul & Storm's allegiance with the evil Wil Wheaton and, consequently, Jonathan Coulton -- the man behind the original music. Does this tribute do the original justice? What did you guys think about the music in the Portal 2 trailers?