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DICE reveals multiplayer maps for Battlefield 3

Posted on October 18, 2011

DICE recently announced five of the maps (out of nine total) that will be included in the full release of Battlefield 3. For those of you who were not around for the beta, the two main maps that were playable were Caspian Border (which was a conquest type map) and Operation Metro (which was the new game type, rush). Both had their own unique aspects: Caspian Border gave us a preview of the vehicle gameplay and also provided with a huge map, giving the game a true “battlefield” sensation, while Operation Metro was more of a pure FPS type map since there were no vehicles included; however, it did require more cooperation on the part of your team in order to complete the different objectives.


Now we get a full sneak peek at the other maps that will be included:
Grand Bazaar is one of the smaller maps of the game and it is actually situated inside the city of Tehran, Iran. DICE describes it as being a “narrowly built” map designed for close combat. In other words, don’t expect to be driving around in tank in this particular map, instead pull out the ole knife.
Seine Crossing is another urban-based map. This map will be a bit bigger and will have vehicles available for mass combat, as well as the ability to destroy certain buildings. As the name implies, it is situated in Paris during the Russian invasion of France.
Noshahr Canals is another Iranian map. This map features what DICE calls “mixed combat” which means we will see infantry, vehicle, and even naval combat (most likely patrol boats). This particular map has more of an industrial feel than its urban counterpart, the Grand Bazaar.
Kharg Islandis the only map that emphasizes amphibious type of combat. DICE describes its location as being on the Persian sea, so it could potentially be the successor of BF2’s Wake Island map. It will be have a similar feel to Noshahr canals; however it will be a bit bigger.
Operation Firestorm – DICE claims this is one of their largest maps yet, which means it is also more vehicle friendly. Operation Firestorm is yet another Iran-based map, it is a secluded oil field which is a key strategic point for U.S. forces. The map itself is made up of oil fields, construction sites, and a huge plain designed for tank battles.
Tehran Highwayis an urban map where an ongoing battle for the capital is brewing. This atmospheric map features a constant barrage of missiles, a lot of buildings for cover, and a balance between vehicle and infantry combat.
Damavand Peakis a valley-oriented map, adding a new sort of dimension to the conquest of bases: base jumping. There is enough room in this map that you can jump off the side of the valley and parachute into a base, where you must then work your way down through a tunnel system. I guess you could say the level design is a bit vertical... but is that still inherently linear? The map is riddled with hills, peaks, and other tall structures that players can parachute off.
Battlefield 3 is scheduled for release on October 25th.  If you are interested in finding out more about the system requirements or perhaps how your current system will run BF3, check out our article here!
DICE’s full announcement can be seen on their website: